Change Sales Rep Pay
Look through this page to find out how to change the pay of a Sales Rep. We can also calculate the default award rate for Sales Reps for you!

Navigate to the admin dashboard by selecting the corresponding icon. If you have an Admin Account you may arrive at this page by default.
Select the Manage Employees button to enter the modification area.

Click on the pen icon to modify the Sales Rep's details.
Enter the desired pay for the Sales Rep. If you leave this section blank or 0 we will assign the Sales Rep their default award rate based off their age.

When you have completed all of the Sales Rep's information click Save Changes to modify their Autop account.
How do you calculate the Award Rate?
We calculate the award rate based on the Sales Rep's age and the relevant miscellaneous rate from the Australian Fair Work Commission.
Do you include casual loading?
When we calculate a sales reps award rate for you we will include casual loading into their wage calculations. If you have entered their wage manually they will be treated as full/part time.
Can I add in a weekly wage instead of hourly?
We only support hourly rates but we are working towards the inclusion of other wage calculation methods.