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Remove a Sales Rep

Look through this page to find out how to remove a Sales Rep from your organisation's Autop account. This will also reassign the mentees of the Sales Rep to their mentor.

Admin Dashboard.png

Navigate to the admin dashboard by selecting the corresponding icon. If you have an Admin Account you may arrive at this page by default.

Select the Manage Employees button to enter the modification area.

Manage Employees.png
Modify Employee.png

Click on the pen icon to modify the Sales Rep's details.

Flip the Active switch to deactivate the Sales Rep's account.

Active Employee.png
Inactive Employee.png

When you have completed all of the Sales Rep's information click Save Changes to modify their Autop account.

The system will warn you before committing your changes. Accept the message to finalise removing the Sales Rep.

Warning Message.png
View Family Tree.png

Click on the Live Mentorship Tree option to see where the Sales Rep has been positioned.

Check to see that the Sales Rep has been removed from your organisation!

Removed Rep.png


Can I reinstate a Sales Rep?

Yes!​ At the bottom of the Manage Employees page we have a section called "Inactive Sales Reps" where you will find the removed sales reps.


What happens to the Sales Rep's mentees?

All assigned mentees of a Sales Rep who is removed are moved to that Sales Reps mentor.


How long do you keep a removed Sales Rep's data for?

We keep data of removed sales reps in line with our data retention policy.

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